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Chamber works are published by Project Schott New York

14 agos-02.jpg
mil cuartos en blancos línea recta
Lines of acid dreams
negative mercury
radical self
Enero, not snow
within the fourth wall
Never was the way
only what we remember
In her dream song
Track one: Intro
About Mirrors
Floating Mirrors
Mercury Crystals
Dynamics of a meteorite 
Sidereal inflections 
Iron curtains
alto flute, bass clarinet, violin and cello
piano, percussion, and electronics
vib., d.bass, and electronics
percussion quartet
string quartet
violin and cello
violin, cello, piano, and bass clarinet
flute, clarinet, piano
violin, cello, and piano
Piano for hands and speaker
String quartet
cello and piano
Percussion Trio
string quartet
trumpet and vibraphone

Ableton Live Course

Week 1: Introduction to Ableton Live

  • Overview of Ableton Live: Understanding the interface and workflow

  • Setup: Setting up Ableton Live and configuring audio preferences

  • Basic Navigation: Exploring the session and arrangement view


Week 2: Understanding Clips and Scenes

  • MIDI Clips: Creating and editing MIDI clips

  • Audio Clips: Importing, warping, and editing audio clips

  • Scenes: Launching and arranging scenes for live performance

  • Clip Automation: Automating parameters within clips


Week 3: Working with MIDI Instruments

  • MIDI Instruments Overview: Introduction to Ableton’s built-in instruments

  • Instrument Rack: Creating and using instrument racks

  • Drum Racks: Programming and sequencing drums

  • External MIDI: Integrating external MIDI instruments


Week 4: Audio Effects and Processing

  • Introduction to Audio Effects: Overview of Ableton’s Audio Effects

  • Insert Effects: Using insert effects on tracks

  • Send and Return Tracks: Setting up and using send/return effects

  • Effect Racks: Creating and using effect racks for complex processing


Week 5: Sound Design and Synthesis

  • Basic Synthesis Concepts: Understanding oscillators, filters, envelopes, and LFOs

  • Analog and Operator: Exploring Ableton’s Synthesizers

  • Samplers and Simpler: Using sampling instruments for sound design


Week 6: Sound processing

  • EQ and Filtering: Techniques for sculpting and shaping sounds

  • Reverb and Delay: Adding depth and space to your tracks

  • Distortion and Saturation: Enhancing sound character and warmth

  • Creative Effects: Using modulation effects like chorus, flanger, and phaser

  • Resampling: Techniques for creating rich, complex sounds


Week 7: Mixing Fundamentals

  • Mixing Basics: Understanding levels, panning, and EQ

  • Dynamic Processing: Using compressors and limiters

  • Mixing Workflow: Tips for a productive mixing workflow


Week 8: Live Performance with Ableton

  • Live Performance Setup: Configuring Ableton for live performance

  • Using Controllers: Integrating MIDI controllers for live sets

  • Performance Techniques: Tips and tricks for dynamic live performances

  • Recording Live Sets: Techniques for recording live performances


Week 11: Advanced Live Performance Techniques

  • Advanced Live Performance Setup: Optimizing Ableton Live for complex live setups

  • Live Looping Techniques: Advanced looping methods for live improvisation

  • On-the-Fly Remixing: Techniques for real-time remixing and mashups

  • Performance Effects: Using real-time effects to enhance live performances


Week 12: Final Project and Review

  • Final Project: Creating a complete track or live set

  • Peer Review: Sharing and reviewing projects with classmates

  • Course Review: Recap of key concepts and techniques

Music Synthesis course


Week 1: Introduction - An Instrument with Multiple Bodies

  • Understanding Synthesizers: The concept of synthesizers as instruments with multiple bodies

  • History and Evolution: Overview of the development of synthesizers

  • Types of Synthesizers: Analog, digital, semi-modular, and modular synthesizers

  • Basic Components: Oscillators, filters, amplifiers, and envelopes


Week 2: Synth Environments 

  • Analog Synthesizers

  • Exploring the capabilities of digital synths

  • Semi-Modular Synthesizers

  • Modular Synthesizers

  • Configuring and using different synth environments


Week 3: Sound Synthesis Techniques 

  • Principles of Subtractive Synthesis

  • Oscillators and Waveforms

  • Filters: Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and notch filters

  • Envelopes and LFOs


Week 4: Additive Synthesis

  • Concept of Additive Synthesis

  • Harmonics and Overtones: Understanding the harmonic series

  • Partial Timbres: Creating and manipulating partials

  • Sound Design: Practical applications of additive synthesis


Week 5: FM Synthesis

  • Introduction to FM Synthesis

  • Operators and Algorithms:

  • Modulation Techniques:

  • Practical Examples


Week 6: Wavetable and Other Methods

  • Wavetable Synthesis

  • Wave Scanning: Morphing between different waveforms

  • Granular Synthesis

  • Creating sounds with wavetable, granular, etc.


Week 7: Synthesis Beyond Synthesizers

  • Sampling Techniques: Using samples in synthesis

  • Field Recording: Incorporating real-world sounds into your music

  • Hybrid Synthesis: Combining different synthesis methods

  • Creative Uses: Exploring unconventional sound sources and techniques


Week 8: Modulation Techniques

  • Basics of Modulation

  • LFOs and Envelopes:

  • Advanced Modulation: Using step sequencers, S&H, and more

  • Applying modulation techniques in sound design


Week 9: Sound Processing Techniques

  • Dynamic Processing

  • EQ and Filtering

  • Reverb and Delay

  • Distortion and Saturation

  • Using modulation effects like chorus, flanger, and phaser​


Week 10: Modulation as Composition

  • Concept of Modulation in Composition

  • Complex Modulation

  • Algorithmic Composition: Using modulation for generative music

  • Composing music with a focus on modulation


Week 11: Synth Performativity

  • Configuring synthesizers for live performance

  • Using synths dynamically in a live context

  • Integrating controllers and interactive elements

  • Techniques for live improvisation with synthesizers

  • Preparing and performing a live synth set


Week 12: Final Project and Review

  • Final Project

  • Peer Review: Sharing and critiquing projects with classmates

  • Course Recap: Reviewing key concepts and techniques

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